Macon, Georgia Are Nursing Homes Liable For Falls? Lawyer

Are Nursing Homes Liable For Falls?

When you place a loved one in a nursing home, you assume that they will get the best care possible. However, nursing home residents sometimes fall due to their age and frail bodies.  On many occasions, the fall could have been prevented if certain systems were in place by the nursing home.  If your loved one has fallen while in a nursing home, one important question you may be asking yourself is, are nursing homes liable for falls? The short answer to that question is yes. Nursing homes and their staff have the obligation to keep their residents safe.  If they do not do so, and a resident falls because of neglectful actions, the nursing home can be held liable for any injuries caused by the fall. Why Do Residents Fall in Nursing Ho[...]...

Macon, Georgia Questionable Nursing Home Discharge Practices Lawyer

Questionable Nursing Home Discharge Practices

Too often, residents of nursing homes are treated disrespectfully, as cases to be managed rather than as people to be cared for. The top complaints about these facilities address basic issues such administration of medications, resident/roommate conflict, poor staff attitudes, unanswered requests for assistance, and unfair discharge. In fact, improper evictions are the leading grievance against nursing homes, with complaints totaling as many as 8,000 to 9,000 every year. The problem is likely bigger than what is reported, because many patients and their families don’t realize they have rights to challenge these types of administrative decisions or that there are specific procedures that must be followed. Imagine having to go to the hospi[...]...

Macon, Georgia Involuntary Transfers/Discharges from Nursing Homes: Patient Rights Lawyer

Involuntary Transfers/Discharges from Nursing Homes: Patient Rights

There’s a famous expression that says, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” and most of us like to imagine that we fall into that category. That when situations become difficult, we react with strength and work harder to meet the challenge. The thing is, there are many instances when things get tough in which we choose instead to pass them on so they become someone else’s dilemma – and this practice is on the rise in nursing homes. Facilities are increasingly evicting “problem patients,” making space for those without diseases that demand a lot of care (like dementia) or those who bring in more money (such as a private-pay patient or a short-term rehab patient). Analysis of federal data from the Long-Term Care Om[...]...

Macon, Georgia Nursing Home Reform Act & Basic Resident Rights Lawyer

Nursing Home Reform Act & Basic Resident Rights

Thirty years ago, a study by the Institute of Medicine concluded that residents of nursing homes were being subjected to neglect, abuse, and inadequate care. Many of the subsequent reforms that were proposed were included in the Nursing Home Reform Act, which became law in 1987. The Act was intended to help nursing home patients receive quality care so that they could achieve or maintain their "highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being.” Fundamentally, this means that residents should not experience a decline in their health as a result of the way they were provided treatment. With the majority of nursing home care paid for with federal funds, compliance with the Act was fostered by making it a prerequisite for rec[...]...

Macon, Georgia Cameras in Nursing Homes: Privacy and Protection Lawyer

Cameras in Nursing Homes: Privacy and Protection

Most of us remember a time when taking a picture meant capturing an image to a film cartridge that we had to drop off at a drug store to be developed, the anticipation mounting for days before we could find out just exactly what we managed to photograph. Similarly, personal video cameras used to involve rummaging for blank tapes, making recordings that were cumbersome to edit and to view. Both of those technologies have now been digitalized and are accessible at the touch of a button on the ubiquitous smartphones owned by almost three-quarters of all Americans. Even closed-circuit television cameras have evolved, now replaced by high-definition cameras available for private use. Paired with a wireless Internet connection that can be monito[...]...

Macon, Georgia CNA Registry to Include In-Home Abuse Complaints Lawyer

CNA Registry to Include In-Home Abuse Complaints

Aging is one of those universal truths, an equalizer of gender, race, class, religion, etc. It happens to us all, though its effects vary widely. Current average life expectancy is 78.8 years, but that quantity of time is no reflection of quality. Some of us develop few health problems, while others are burdened with serious afflictions. Of those who find they can no longer manage alone, most want to stay out of nursing homes as long as possible; to continue to live independently, the solution is often a certified nurse aide/assistant (CNA). CNAs can work in a variety of healthcare settings and have corresponding duties, but those who work in personal homes are generally the gatherers of vital information about the patient's medical condit[...]...


Holding Bars and Restaurants Accountable: Dram Shop Laws and Liability for Drug-Impaired Accidents

When a person leaves a bar after enjoying many cocktails, gets into his car, and hurts (or kills) another person in a drunk driving accident, who should be held liable?  In some s...