Macon, Georgia 5 Most Common Work Injuries for Construction Workers Lawyer

5 Most Common Work Injuries for Construction Workers

A construction site is notoriously dangerous due to the activity, tools, and machinery in use. Despite strict safety rules and regulations, some sites are home to traumatic accidents. No construction job should turn into a life-changing event due to negligence. If you suffered severe harm due to the reckless actions of others, a defective product, or another form of negligence, a Georgia personal injury lawyer can help you. Workplace Dangers: The 5 Most Common Work Injuries for Construction Workers Severe injuries upend an accident victim’s life. Medical procedures replace your daily routine as the bills relating to your case climb. The aftermath of a construction accident is a time of great stress and anxiety for accident victims[...]...


Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Pay Lost Wages?

Learn What Benefits You are Entitled To

Does workers’ comp pay lost wages? This is an especially important concern for workers who have been injured on the job or who have become ill due to their work. The answer...