Macon, Georgia Brain Injury and the Workplace: Protecting Your Rights in Georgia Lawyer

Brain Injury and the Workplace: Protecting Your Rights in Georgia

Imagine that you are working at a construction site in Georgia on an upper level of a new building. Suddenly, a steel beam falls off a crane and hits you in the head.  You are rushed to the hospital.  A few days after the accident, you are told you suffered numerous injuries, including a severe brain injury.  Your doctor informs you that you may not be able to go back to work for a long time, if ever. Brain injuries sustained in the workplace can be very complex.  But they are important to investigate because injured workers can be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.  A denial of benefits, especially for those with brain injuries, can be devastating. This blog post will discuss brain injury and the workplace in Georgia...

Macon, Georgia Proving a Brain Injury Claim in Georgia: The Importance of Medical Evidence Lawyer

Proving a Brain Injury Claim in Georgia: The Importance of Medical Evidence

Imagine this scenario: While running errands on a weekend, your car was hit in the rear by another vehicle.  You find out that the other driver was distracted by his cell phone and didn’t see your car stopped at a red light. The other driver was going fast and your injuries are extensive. Your doctor relays that you have suffered a brain injury due to the accident. As a result, you will miss a substantial amount of time at work and will need extensive rehabilitation therapy. Brain injuries can range from mild to severe and sometimes symptoms don’t start to show until days or weeks after an accident.  Also, brain injuries can be very complex and can be difficult to prove when filing a personal injury claim. That is why medical e...

Macon, Georgia Independent Contractors and Workmans’ Compensation in Georgia: Are You Covered? Lawyer

Independent Contractors and Workmans’ Compensation in Georgia: Are You Covered?

You were hired to provide ongoing assistance at a construction site. You were classified as an independent contractor by the company that hired you.  During one visit to the site, you slipped and fell on an oil spot, seriously injuring your back. You decide to file a workers’ compensation claim but were told you did not qualify because you are not considered an employee. What should you do? A designation as an independent contractor, as opposed to an employee, can be a complex undertaking. In many cases, independent contractors in Georgia are misclassified as employees by employers who do not know the proper rules and regulations for doing so. The bottom line is: If you were designated as an independent contractor, you may actua...

Macon, Georgia Filing a Workmans’ Comp Claim in Macon: Steps to Take After a Workplace Injury Lawyer

Filing a Workmans’ Comp Claim in Macon: Steps to Take After a Workplace Injury

You are at your construction job in Macon and everything is going well.  It is a typical grueling day at the job site.  You are working 30 feet off the ground when you suddenly slip on something and fall to the ground, resulting in very serious injuries.  You are rushed to the hospital and the doctors get you stabilized.  They explain that you will be able to return to work in about 6 months, but you will have to undergo 2 surgeries and then physical therapy. Immediately, you think about how you are going to financially support your family. Fortunately, Georgia law provides workers’ compensation benefits for workers injured on the job.  You will receive compensation from insurance and, under most circumstances, it doesn’t matte...

Macon, Georgia Understanding Georgia’s Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Claims in Macon Lawyer

Understanding Georgia’s Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Claims in Macon

The scenario:  You were in a car accident three years ago and didn’t think it was serious enough to warrant a personal injury lawsuit.  You didn't seem to have sustained any injuries at the time and did not get medical attention at the accident scene. Three years later, however, you start to feel pain in your back, and you are having a hard time remembering simple information. A doctor informs you that this could be a result of your car accident three years ago.  Unfortunately, you are probably too late to file a personal injury claim because the statute of limitations for personal injuries in Georgia is two years. Generally speaking, a statute of limitations is the time within which you can file a lawsuit. There are different st...

Macon, Georgia Sharing the Road Safely With Motorcyclists Lawyer

Sharing the Road Safely With Motorcyclists

More vehicles and motorcycles are on the road than before.  And with more vehicles, accidents are sure to increase.  Many motorists are easily distracted by texting or eating while driving.  Also, accidents do sometimes happen by pure chance.  To that end, this blog post will discuss three ways to share the road safely with motorcyclists. To keep everyone on the road as safe as possible, the NHTSA wants to remind motorcyclists to make themselves as visible to other drivers as possible, to use a good motorcycle helmet and to never ride after drinking alcohol. Awareness Tips For Motorists Safe motorcycle riding practices and full cooperation from everyone on the road will greatly reduce the number of injuries and deaths on our hi...

Macon, Georgia Holding Bars and Restaurants Accountable: Dram Shop Laws and Liability for Drug-Impaired Accidents Lawyer

Holding Bars and Restaurants Accountable: Dram Shop Laws and Liability for Drug-Impaired Accidents

When a person leaves a bar after enjoying many cocktails, gets into his car, and hurts (or kills) another person in a drunk driving accident, who should be held liable?  In some states, the establishment that continuously sold alcohol to an apparently drunk individual could be a responsible party in terms of liability.  These are called dram shop laws, and the penalties and liabilities differ from state to state. But do dram shop laws apply to drugs too?  With the increased proliferation of legalized drugs like marijuana, a question arises about drug-impairment and the liability of those who supply the drugs to someone who subsequently causes a car accident due to their impairment.  In this blog post, we will discuss the topic of hol...

Macon, Georgia Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Options, Costs, and Resources Lawyer

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Options, Costs, and Resources

Anyone who has had a spinal cord injury will tell you that the rehabilitation process can be grueling and long.  The effect of a spinal cord injury can be devastating not only to the person who was injured, but on the entire family.  Depending on the type and severity of the spinal cord injury, there are different types of rehabilitation options, and the costs involved also vary.  Figuring out all of the different options can be difficult and arduous.  In this blog post, we will discuss spinal cord injury rehabilitation options, costs, and resources.  The goal is to assist in making important choices about the best options available to you and your loved ones. Types of Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation The type of spinal cord reh...

Macon, Georgia The Financial Impact of a Brain Injury Lawyer

The Financial Impact of a Brain Injury

Brain injuries can be debilitating to those who suffer from them.  The recovery process can be long and arduous and sometimes lead to permanent damage.  Those suffering from brain injuries could have financial setbacks as well, if they are unable to return to work full-time or in any capacity.  In this blog post, we will be discussing the financial impact of a brain injury. Immediate Costs of a Brain Injury You could start to see financial strain days or weeks after suffering from a brain injury, especially if the damage is severe.  Some of the immediate costs of a brain injury are: Hospital Visits - The cost of emergency room visits is not insignificant, even if you have high-quality health insurance. As your stay in the ho...

Macon, Georgia Navigating Truck Accident Insurance Claims Lawyer

Navigating Truck Accident Insurance Claims

Accidents involving trucks can be complex and may involve many parties, like drivers, trucking companies, and truck manufacturers.  There may be more than one liable party for injuries suffered during a truck accident.  The multiple parties involved may have different insurance policies to sort through. Also, injuries sustained from truck accidents are usually more severe, due to the size and weight of the vehicles involved in the accident. In this blog post we will discuss the trickiness of navigating truck accident insurance claims. Understanding the Parties Involved There may be numerous parties that could be held liable in a trucking accident.  It is important to know who the potential parties are in order to get full compensat...


Brain Injury and the Workplace: Protecting Your Rights in Georgia

Imagine that you are working at a construction site in Georgia on an upper level of a new building. Suddenly, a steel beam falls off a crane and hits you in the head.  You are rushed to the hospital.  A few days after the accident, you are told you suffer...